/* jQuery plugin themeswitcher ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $.fn.themeswitcher = function(settings){ var options = jQuery.extend({ loadTheme: null, initialText: 'Switch Theme', width: 150, height: 200, buttonPreText: 'Theme: ', closeOnSelect: true, buttonHeight: 14, cookieName: 'jquery-ui-theme', onOpen: function(){}, onClose: function(){}, onSelect: function(){} }, settings); //markup var button = $(''+ options.initialText +''); var switcherpane = $('
').find('div').removeAttr('id'); //button events button.click( function(){ if(switcherpane.is(':visible')){ switcherpane.spHide(); } else{ switcherpane.spShow(); } return false; } ); //menu events (mouseout didn't work...) switcherpane.hover( function(){}, function(){if(switcherpane.is(':visible')){$(this).spHide();}} ); //show/hide panel functions $.fn.spShow = function(){ $(this).css({top: button.offset().top + options.buttonHeight + 6, left: button.offset().left}).slideDown(50); button.css(button_active); options.onOpen(); } $.fn.spHide = function(){ $(this).slideUp(50, function(){options.onClose();}); button.css(button_default); } /* Theme Loading ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switcherpane.find('a').click(function(){ updateCSS( $(this).attr('href') ); var themeName = $(this).find('span').text(); button.find('.jquery-ui-themeswitcher-title').text( options.buttonPreText + themeName ); $.cookie(options.cookieName, themeName); options.onSelect(); if(options.closeOnSelect && switcherpane.is(':visible')){ switcherpane.spHide(); } return false; }); //function to append a new theme stylesheet with the new style changes function updateCSS(locStr){ var cssLink = $(''); $("head").append(cssLink); if( $("link.ui-theme").size() > 3){ $("link.ui-theme:first").remove(); } } /* Inline CSS ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var button_default = { fontFamily: 'Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif', fontSize: '11px', color: '#666', background: '#eee url(http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/themeswitchertool/images/buttonbg.png) 50% 50% repeat-x', border: '1px solid #ccc', '-moz-border-radius': '6px', '-webkit-border-radius': '6px', textDecoration: 'none', padding: '3px 3px 3px 8px', width: options.width - 11,//minus must match left and right padding display: 'block', height: options.buttonHeight, outline: '0' }; var button_hover = { 'borderColor':'#bbb', 'background': '#f0f0f0', cursor: 'pointer', color: '#444' }; var button_active = { color: '#aaa', background: '#000', border: '1px solid #ccc', borderBottom: 0, '-moz-border-radius-bottomleft': 0, '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius': 0, '-moz-border-radius-bottomright': 0, '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius': 0, outline: '0' }; //button css button.css(button_default) .hover( function(){ $(this).css(button_hover); }, function(){ if( !switcherpane.is(':animated') && switcherpane.is(':hidden') ){ $(this).css(button_default); } } ) .find('.jquery-ui-themeswitcher-icon').css({ float: 'right', width: '16px', height: '16px', background: 'url(http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/themeswitchertool/images/icon_color_arrow.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat' }); //pane css switcherpane.css({ position: 'absolute', float: 'left', fontFamily: 'Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif', fontSize: '12px', background: '#000', color: '#fff', padding: '8px 3px 3px', border: '1px solid #ccc', '-moz-border-radius-bottomleft': '6px', '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius': '6px', '-moz-border-radius-bottomright': '6px', '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius': '6px', borderTop: 0, zIndex: 999999, width: options.width-6//minus must match left and right padding }) .find('ul').css({ listStyle: 'none', margin: '0', padding: '0', overflow: 'auto', height: options.height }).end() .find('li').hover( function(){ $(this).css({ 'borderColor':'#555', 'background': 'url(http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/themeswitchertool/images/menuhoverbg.png) 50% 50% repeat-x', cursor: 'pointer' }); }, function(){ $(this).css({ 'borderColor':'#111', 'background': '#000', cursor: 'auto' }); } ).css({ width: options.width-30, height: '', padding: '2px', margin: '1px', border: '1px solid #111', '-moz-border-radius': '4px', clear: 'left', float: 'left' }).end() .find('a').css({ color: '#aaa', textDecoration: 'none', float: 'left', width: '100%', outline: '0' }).end() .find('img').css({ float: 'left', border: '1px solid #333', margin: '0 2px' }).end() .find('.themeName').css({ float: 'left', margin: '3px 0' }).end(); $(this).append(button); $('body').append(switcherpane); switcherpane.hide(); if( $.cookie(options.cookieName) || options.loadTheme ){ var themeName = $.cookie(options.cookieName) || options.loadTheme; switcherpane.find('a:contains('+ themeName +')').trigger('click'); } return this; }; /** * Cookie plugin * * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de) * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * */ jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) { if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie options = options || {}; if (value === null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; } var expires = ''; if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) { var date; if (typeof options.expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); } else { date = options.expires; } expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE } // CAUTION: Needed to parenthesize options.path and options.domain // in the following expressions, otherwise they evaluate to undefined // in the packed version for some reason... var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : ''; var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : ''; var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : ''; document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join(''); } else { // only name given, get cookie var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } };